You may have noticed I am not in the English room today!
For the next few weeks I will exist in a little box on your computer screen. Until we can teleport Harry Potter style this could be the next best thing...

South Africa is such a diverse and interesting place to explore there is much to be discovered: culture, music, food, wildlife, history and politics. It is going to be an exciting time and I will no doubt learn from your technology tips too! So here we go...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Christopher's South Africa Quiz

A) Which of these places would you find in South Africa and London?
1. Richmond
2. Upington
3. Durban
4. Cape Town

B) In what year did the apartheid law get repealed?
1. 1956
2. 1976
3. 1986
4. 1991

C) Where is the district six monument museum located?
1. Johannesburg
2. Cape Town
3. Riversdale
4. Pietersburg

D) What two oceans surround South Africa?

1. Atlantic and pacific
2. Pacific and Indian
3. Atlantic and Indian
4. Arctic and Outhern

E) Which of these would you find in south Africa?
1. North London
2. South London
3. West London
4. East London

F) Who was the founder of Cape Town?
1. Jan van Riebeeck
2. Jan van Diebeeck
3. Dan man Niebeeck
4. Dan van Piebeeck

G) When did South Africa host and win the rugby world cup?
1. 1999
2. 1995
3. 1991
4. 1987

H) ‘Apartheid’ is Afrikaans for what?
1. Independence
2. nationalisation
3. segregation
4. colonization

I) What is South Africa best known for mining?
1. Tin and copper
2. silver and platinum
3. coal and oil
4. gold and diamonds

J) On what date was Nelson Mandela freed?
1. 11/02/1990
2. 10/03/1969
3. 07/12/1991
4. 01/01/1989

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Red Balloon NWL Snowman

Wow! I am so impressed and inspired by the combined efforts of our students to produce this video about the snow days in England. It means I can show friends, family and some of my SA teacher friend's students what can be experienced in England.

Well done RBNWL- Especially to those of you that starred, filmed or edited the clip! I hope there will be many more to come...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A day at school in South Africa - Mark

Today was a school day like most days I suppose. I woke up at 7:30 in the morning and had my breakfast of Bokomo Instant Oats, my favourite. I got dressed into my school uniform. Seeing I live 10 minutes away from school I walk there. I really enjoy the walk, mostly because I pass a rhino. My parents tell me not to feed him but I do anyway, I always give him a bit of my lunch. When I arrived at school at about 8:45 am, everyone was in the playground waiting for the bell to ring. I went to look for my friends, I passed people on skipping ropes, playing tag and even singing. I found my friends at the end of the playground playing football. Football is especially exiting at the moment because we are hosting the world cup this year! I managed to score a hat trick before the bell rang. Our first lesson was maths. maths is probably my least favourite lesson. Today we were doing multiplication, especially our 7, 8 and 9 times tables. I am good at my 7 and 9 times tables, its just my 8's that I need to work on. My first lesson (maths) goes on for an hour and a half, and at 10:30 we have play time. As usuall me and my friends played football. Our playground is a massive field so it is good for football. There are even buk on the other side of the fence. Break finished at 10:45am. Our next lesson went on until 12pm (lunch). That lesson was english. We were all laughing because my teacher was very angry because a hadeda bird kept making his call, which was disrupting the lesson. When lunch came we all went to the hall, we can either have a school dinner or a packed lunch. I always bring a packed lunch because I can put in all the food I like, for example today I had an apple, two biscuits, they were called Eet Sum Mor. I had a sandwhich aswell, well half a sandwhich seeing as I gave some to the rhino on my walk to school. And a TV Bar, made by Beacon, they make my favourite type of chocolate. After finishing lunch at twenty past twelve, we had 40 minutes left of break and guess what, we played football. I accidently kicked the ball over the fence where the buk are, they were staring at it looking very confused, a baby buk sort of nudged it with his head, but then they just gallopped off. At 1pm it was our first lesson of the afternoon, science. For science today we were looking at insects. We went into the playground to look, I found a few beatles and a spider, I deliberatley waved the spider in my friends face, she screamed so loudly. At quarter past 2 it was our final lesson of the day, art. We had to go in the playground again and sketch a picture of the buk. I decided to draw the buk playing football, the ball that was next to them that I kicked over at lunch gave me the inspiration. At 3:30 school ended and I walked home. And so ended another day at a school in South Africa.

Just in case your reading this and your not South African, even though you shouldnt be reading my diary, here is a key for you about some of the animals and food I have mentioned. A buk is a bit like a deer. Bokomo Instant Oats is a cereal. A hadeda bird or hadeda iris is a bird with an ear piecing screech! Eet Sum Mor and a TV Bar are chacoclate bars. Beacon is a chocolate company, rather like Cadbury.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekend visiter in the Drakensberg

My parents sent me this photo of the visitor they had to the cottage they were staying at in the Drakensberg mountains last weekend. I was a little glad I was unable to join them after I saw this!

It's a Rinkhals you can read more about them here

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The endangered african weasel

Apparently you are very lucky to see an African weasel once in your life because they are endangered, so I was incredibly lucky here..

The Hadeda

Some of you have started some excellent work on your animal fables, quizzes and contributions to the blog. I am very impressed!

The other day during my lesson with Mark and Harminder we were interrupted by a 'Hadeda' outside the window. I will let you work out what that was, but the clip below will give you a clue...


Monday, January 25, 2010

Howick Falls- Fears and phobias

Howick Falls has always been 30 minutes away from where I grew up. I never knew you could face your ultimate fear and abseil down the sheer 107m cliff face right next to it. It's a prime example that you only stop learning interesting facts about where you come from if you stop looking.

The first clip is from my visit the other day and the second the new adventure I discovered...

I know you have been working on fears and phobias in PSE recently, would any of you try this?

You can read more about this experience in this article from our local newspaper, 'The Witness' here