You may have noticed I am not in the English room today!
For the next few weeks I will exist in a little box on your computer screen. Until we can teleport Harry Potter style this could be the next best thing...

South Africa is such a diverse and interesting place to explore there is much to be discovered: culture, music, food, wildlife, history and politics. It is going to be an exciting time and I will no doubt learn from your technology tips too! So here we go...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Derek and Ruairi's first day....

Today we had our English lesson over skype to south Africa it was a bit strange to talk to a computer screen and not to someone in the flesh.
It is good how you can talk to someone who is so many miles away I am looking forward to learning a lot about south Africa and the different places and cultures.

-Derek and Ruairi

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